[STD] Selesnya Enchantress

Hello Brewers, With Brothers' War coming soon, the Standard format will be in full swing again! As you read this, you might also be anticipating the banned & restricted announcement that is rumored to hit some staples in Modern and Pioneer. So let's stick to Standard for now, and see if we can break some... Continue Reading →

[PIO]Black Sun

Hi Brewers! Magic is basically a rock-paper-scissor game made complicated by the different layers in which this game is played. My personal principle in building unconventional brews is that all decks, both meta and non-meta alike, need to win the "war of attrition". Wikipedia defines a 'war of attrition as "a dynamic timing game in... Continue Reading →


Hello Brewers, The inspiration for today's deck tech. Enchantress is a Tier 2 archetype in Magic that combines card draw, life gain, and enchantments to overwhelm your opponents. Because enchantments are typically not easy to interact with as most competitive decks focus on creature, planeswalker, and artifact removal, the subtle power of enchantments can oftentimes... Continue Reading →


Hi everyone, Let's shift gear and turn into some aggressive strategies for Pioneer. The most common aggressive archetype in the format is trumped by Mono Red, Spirits, and Humans. There is another well-known species that loves going into the red zone, and it's the Eldrazi. Back when Eye of Ugin was legal in Modern, you... Continue Reading →

Mirrodin Besieged

I need to stop. Brewing in modern is dangerously addictive and I seriously need to stop as I have 3 orders that need shipping and I'm sure the card store is wondering "what the fuck is going on with this customer?" If you don't know me by now, I love winning with style. Even if... Continue Reading →

Tron Welder

When Magic was relatively young, cards were far more powerful and quite imbalanced compared to today's more moderated cards. Despite the smaller card pool, a lot of professional players tried to break cards to their limit, abusing certain formats with them, and some even led to cards getting banned. Smarter with little education. Goblin Welder... Continue Reading →

3 is the magic number!

A ton of Magic cards revolve around the number 3. Whether its Lightning Bolt dealing 3 damage to any target or its equal, but less loved, counterpart Healing Salve that prevents or gains you 3 life, down to some of the game's most hated cards like Teferi, Time Raveler that costs 3 mana. The number... Continue Reading →

We have a second home!

Hello everyone, We now have a Facebook group which will make it easier for us to talk and discuss brews, deck ideas, winning jank lists, and crazy card interactions! I can't wait to get the discussions going on a faster, more convenient platform apart from the blog! See you there! Vanson

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